RDB’s Journey with ITIL Implementation

ITIL, the Information Technology Infrastructure Library, provides best practices that organisations all over the world have been using to provide the effective management of IT infrastructure, service delivery and support. However, while ITIL is traditionally seen as the province of large enterprises, it can be equally beneficial for small and medium-sized companies.
“The ITIL and ISO 20 000 certifications provide value to the company and customers alike, offering improved service delivery and processes,” says Jaroslav Cerny, CEO of RDB Consulting. “The perception of these certifications as exclusively for big companies is a narrow view of the benefits that can be achieved by businesses of all sizes.”
As part of its objective to achieve constant service improvement, RDB Consulting is aligning to these certifications, implementing what Cerny refers to as “ITIL Lite”.
“We are implementing the key processes in ITIL, rather than embarking on a full-scale implementation the way a large organisation would. This is a well-known approach used internationally by smaller companies, and has realised great results not only in service management, but in the productivity of staff.”
International specialist consultant and business architect, Bora Perzic, is assisting RDB in its ITIL journey by implementing five of the core ITIL components to achieve immediate benefits. “ITIL is a journey, and builds on many small changes to gain the bigger picture results. By starting with ITIL Lite, we are building the framework that will take the business to the next level,” says Cerny.
Perzic says smaller businesses tend to see ITIL as time-consuming and costly, but much can be achieved through a scaled-down approach to the IT certification. “RDB Consulting has been able to implement the key elements of ITIL quickly and easily because of its size and agility. ITIL is not a mandatory framework, but rather one that suggests a path to service management improvement. By picking the elements appropriate to a small business, RDB Consulting can achieve greater benefits with fewer challenges.”
One of the company’s initiatives on the road to certification is the implementation of a documented, cloud-based helpdesk. According to Perzic, this mobile-friendly solution requires some additional work prior to commencement.
He points out that while RDB Consulting faces slightly different challenges to those of bigger companies by virtue of its size, it is still required to meet the same types of demands and service levels. An ITIL journey will allow RDB Consulting to meet its objectives, manage costs and align its processes.
“Certification is less important than gaining the benefits that ITIL offers. We are not implementing ITIL to have it as a tick-box. Rather, we are walking the path to providing better service and improved efficiency,” Cerny concludes.

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