RDB is well-versed in providing advanced services for companies that are beginning with the process of digital transformation in cloud, as well as traditional companies that want to transform their IT in cloud, in order to increase efficiency and optimize the use of IT infrastructure.
The hybrid cloud merges the benefits of both the private cloud and the public cloud. It delivers the private cloud’s high-security features coupled with the fast connection and easy-to-access features of the public cloud.
The primary benefit of a hybrid cloud is agility. The need to adapt and change direction quickly is a core principle of a digital business. Your enterprise might want (or need) to combine public clouds, private clouds, and on-premises resources to gain the agility it needs for a competitive advantage.
The Benefits:

  • Capitalizes on a similar low-cost approach as the public cloud.
  • Integrates public cloud computing with onsite cloud hardware that delivers control of security and regulations in the hand of the company.
  • Will operate behind a firewall, similar to the private cloud.
  • Offers scalability to handle fluctuating computing demands. In other words,  the hybrid cloud may scale up to use the public cloud or down to the private cloud.
hybrid cloud

At RDB, we provide advanced services for companies that are beginning with the process of digital transformation in cloud, as well as traditional companies that want to transform their IT in cloud. Contact us today!